Useful Links
These resources contain important information about the configuration and maintenance of various Bio-IT resources.
- Git Admin repository
- internal access only
- contains configurations and setup documentation for the internal GitLab system, Mattermost chat, and continuous integration server/runner
- Community Documentation repository
- the source files for this site
- see the page about GitLab Pages for more information
- Bio-IT Blogs repository
- see the page about GitLab Pages for more information
These links point to various resources that we have found useful.
Community Building
- Resources from the Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement
- The Carpentries Community Cookbook - a collection of resources and how-to guides for running activities to build local peer learning communities
- ROpenSci Blog
- Teaching Tech Together - Greg Wilson’s book on best practices for teaching programminga nd other computing skills. Includes a chapter on building a community of practice. Free to read online.
- Life Science Trainers
- MyBinder
- CryptPad: like etherpad, CryptPad allows collaborative note-taking, and includes an option to optimise the pad for code by including line numbers and a monospaced font.
- HackMD: another collaborative authoring tool, this time set up for Markdown. HackMD allows you to display the raw MD, the rendered version, or both in a split display, and to save documents in a collection to refer back to in the future.
- Time and Date: convert meeting times between timezones; announce events across timezones; find out how likely it is that your collaboartors are awake right now; etc
- Cuckoo Remote Timer: a shared countdown timer, useful for remote co-working sessions and meetings. Start a countdown timer and everyone connected to the page receives a notification when the countdown ends.