HOWTO: External Training
This list is intended to supplement the checklist for internal training events
- For de.NBI courses, ask participants for “country of employment - more specifically Germany or non-Germany” and “Academic level (non-academic, undergrad, grad, postdoc, PI)”.
Before the course
- Budget and cost calculation (set a budget number)
- Create a template for invoices (check with Accounts (Finance))
- Setup externally-accessible course website
- Give 2 contacts on the website for any query or emergency
- Advertise in the external spaces (de.NBI, ELIXIR, Twitter etc.)
- Check accommodation for participants
- Book transportation
- Book catering or charge a budget card from petty cash to pay for canteen lunch
- (Optional) organize a conference dinner
- Print teaching materials, name badges and certificates (Photolab)
- Coordinate with external trainers
- Collect all materials from Photolab
- Send an email to the canteen to book table, and logo of the badge (identity for payment at the counter)
- Organize lanyard or name tags (with the logo for lunch payment)
- Send reminder to the trainers
- Organize power sockets, laptop, additional technical requirements (discuss with Facility Management, IT Services)
- (If necessary) select participants for the course
- Select awardees for travel grant and/or registration waiver
- Notify selected participants and send the invoices
- Notify participants of final schedule
During course
- Keep track of number of registrations vs participants (i.e. non-shows) - also for de.NBI purposes