EMBL Bio-IT Community Documentation
Documentation of the EMBL Bio-IT Project. Bio-IT was established to build and support the computational biology/bioinformatics community at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany.
These docs provide information and practical guides about the community, the project, and their activities. The site was originally developed by Toby Hodges under the Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement’s concept of a Community Playbook, as part of the CSCCE Community Engagement Fellows Program 2019 (CEFP2019).
How to use this documentation
All visitors may find our collection of checklists useful for planning, organising, and running events and meetings.
If you’re new to the project/community, you should check out the About section and the Bio-IT Homepage. Those particularly interested in how Bio-IT does things may also want to look at the information for Community Members too.
Community coordinators/community engagement managers should read the material under For Community Coordinators, which provides details of processes, tools, and decision-making that underpin the coordination of the community and project.
If you have questions about these pages, about our community, or about the EMBL Bio-IT Project in general, please contact bio-it@embl.de.